"Maybe playing nice with Wall Street is a big part of the problem in the first place." Your entire take on this election is shared by myself and lots of others. Get the money out of politics and get people elected who are interested in SERVICE --not their wallets. Anyway- good job. We will continue to organize until they outlaw it- which they are trying to do already.

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Well done Scott. When I’m not seething with anger I’m grieving. My county wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be (see Dave Bangerts post election substack for pdf details) Once this county was solid blue, then we got Mitch Daniels as President of Purdue and it’s been a steady slide away from that. It wasn’t the candidate, imo… it’s the party. I have never voted Republican but the Democrat party has lost its way. And many people are averse to knowing anything… they prefer to believe a thing… true or not. It seems we’re going to institutionalize a criminal into the presidency. Currently, it’s more than I can bear to follow. My actual physical systems are suffering. Not good.

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As always, I appreciate your honesty and information. I’m sure there are a large number of people like me who are scared, lost and without hope. We depend on strong, educated and fearless people like you to give us direction and keep us informed. Please continue your project and keep us updated on whatever we can do to fight this impending denial of everything we have fought for.

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Glad to discover your showgram and publicatia. I have only seen this episode so far, don't know whether you have guests or collaborate, but i would be interested to work together.

My journalism started with a column in my highschool newspaper (late 80s) which was in response to a Limbaugh type rebeling against his liberal Dem parents with a column called 'The Right Stuff' which had eagles and the like as his insigniae.

Everyone i knew were disgusted and bitched, but it fell to me to go to the Editor and demand a column. My insignia was the peace sign pin with flag behind and my formerly hippie mother coined the name 'what's left'. She is now an evangelical. I produce radio and Cable TV programs and hope we can cross pollinate

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I'm always looking for new people to talk to.

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