Aug 24Liked by Scott Aaron Rogers

And thank you, Dr. Park, for your extremely insightful contribution to this podcast.

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Aug 24Liked by Scott Aaron Rogers

Having been raised as a “forced Catholic” until

I graduated from an all girls Catholic high school, I can attest to bitterness and exaggerated beliefs of Catholicism. When I emancipated myself from the church and their doctrines, I found myself questioning things that were, literally, best into me. For one, I saw church officials, from neighborhood pastors to those in the elite tiers of Catholicism, committing crimes and blatantly circumventing punishment. I feel the Christian fundamentalists are no better than the hard core Catholics. At least the current pope, Francis, is more open-minded and compassionate towards the poor and LGBTQ+ community and more accepting of women than the fundamentalists. I have long since walked away from Catholicism and defending the church, but must say that, if only given two choices, I would have to side with the Catholics. Never thought I’d ever say that. The Christian fundamentalists are ignorant, intolerant and insular. I will not tolerate or support anything or anyone who believes and spews their garbage.

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