This is for Blythe. I am also from the right wing, my whole family is Republicans. I am Catholic 45-year-old white guy from a small Iowan farm. Long line of military service that my father forbade me from. My path was long but now I identify as a Leftist. You do not need to shed your old deeply held beliefs, simply understand that we were lied to and used as pawns. The left (beyond progressive) is more closely aligned to what we were taught than you realize. When you get some time start learning about MMT. It will blow your mind. I don't have tats (too expensive), but I think it is bad ass. Do not apologize for who you are, just accept it. Finally I wish you luck with your race.

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Interesting guest. Funny how a number of politicians have seen the light and removed themselves from the dark side of being a republican.

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